Isn't it great to have your own home network? An ideal situation, but it is often hard to realize. You have to drill holes, draw cabling in places you do not want to. Eminent offers a completely different approach: your own home network over the only existing network in your house. A network that has offered its services for many years now and probably has never let you down: the mains!
This system is as easy as it seems! Connect your modem to the wall outlet by using a Powerline Mini adapter. Then you connect your computer to another wall outlet by using a second Powerline Mini adapter and presto: Internet! The starter kit consists of two adapters, so that you can start right away. Use the extension kit EM8016 to connect even more computers to your network.
Read on, because the best is yet to come! The Powerline Mini adapters can be combined with every wired or wireless network. With the Eminent Powerline Mini adapters you can position your wireless router wherever you have the best reach. Great if you like to use a wireless notebook!
If you like to share your broadband Internet connection with several users at the same time, then you need to have a (wireless) router. Connect a Powerline Mini to this router. Connect a Powerline Mini to every pc that needs to be connected. You easily connect the Powerline Mini to your pc's network adapter with the enclosed UTP cable. Could it be easier?
The Powerline Mini can also be used with Apple Mac, Linux, Playstation, XBox, and any other device with a network port.
The Powerline Mini is an energy-saving device, and uses only 2 watts of power on average. When not using the Powerline Mini, it will switch to power-save mode. In power-save mode, the Powerline Mini device saves you up to 50% power!