Soldering kit, DIY, animated Easter bell, 83 LEDs, car adapter, battery, on/off switch
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Soldering kit, DIY, Halloween pumpkin, 25 LEDs, flickering candle effect, on/off switch
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Coding skill level: none | Electronics skill level: 1 | Mechanics skill level: none | Soldering skill level: 1
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Soldering kit, DIY, starter kit,...
Soldering kit, DIY, starter kit, Christmas edition, tea light and Christmas tree with blinking LEDs
Coding skill level: none | Electronics skill level: 1 | Mechanics skill level: none | Soldering skill level: 1
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Coding skill level: none | Electronics skill level: 1 | Mechanics skill level: none | Soldering skill level: 1
Soldering kit, DIY, starter kit,...
Soldering kit, DIY, starter kit, Christmas edition, tea light and Christmas tree with blinking LEDs
Coding skill level: none | Electronics skill level: 1 | Mechanics skill level: none | Soldering skill level: 1
Soldering kit, DIY, blue LED Christmas tree, on/off switch, mountable festive lighting
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Soldering kit, DIY, animated ghost, halloween gadget, responds to noise, ideal for events, stores
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Soldering kit, DIY, flashing yellow LED star, year-end gadget, hanging or standing, ideal for the holidays
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Soldering kit, DIY, SMD Christmas tree with USB connection, miniature gadget, easy assembly
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